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Redpoint Orchestration

Does YOUR Orchestration engine…


Reduction in Time to Build New Segments


ROMI with 20% More Efficiency


Increase in Revenue With a 40% Reduction in Cost Per Interaction


Increase in Segmentation Granularity

Evolve Personalized Omnichannel CX

Extract granular insights and uncover customer signals to design intelligent, hyper-personalized engagements in any channel across the customer journey.  

Hyper Personalize At Scale

Hyper-Personalize at Scale

Easily create personalized, data-driven journeys and campaigns based on dynamic segmentation, deep knowledge of the customer, predictive intent, and relevant content to deliver customer-centric experiences.

Stay in Sync with Your Customers

Create dynamic customer segments, journeys, triggers and tests—without a single line of code —that bring relevant, meaningful experiences to life in each customer’s cadence.

Stay In Sync With Your Customers
Continue To Use The Tools You Love

Continue to Use the Tools You Love

With Redpoint, use your existing customer database and last-mile engagement channels to orchestrate omnichannel journeys through all touchpoints.

Campaign and Data Orchestration Capabilities

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Dynamic Segments & Audiences

Take advantage of new customer data and response information – updated preferences, actions/inactions, engagements, geolocation, weather – to create customer-centric journeys and interactions.

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Omnichannel Personalization & Execution

With dynamic content based on rules and machine learning models, match the right content and message with the right customer in every channel, supporting dynamic experiences and triggered campaigns like geofencing or open-time email personalization.

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Journey, Campaign & Trigger Design

Build simple or intricate journeys that meet individual customers in their preferred channels. Select audience,  channel, content and offers at the moment of interaction, for marketing efforts and customers’ journeys that are contextually relevant and timely.

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Journey Optimization & Measurement

Experiment, measure and optimize engagement over time and across customers, channels, campaigns and brands. Collect insights and use bidirectional response data to improve campaign performance, validate a customer’s existing journey, or send them down another path.